Union Minister Nitin Gadkari today inaugurated a program titled ‘Gifting of Sound’ organised by Suryodaya Foundation, Mumbai. Under the initiative, the foundation led by renowned singer Anuradha Paudwal is distributing hearing aids to hearing-impaired children studying in government-run schools.

Addressing the gathering, Mr Gadkari said that all need to work in a sensitive manner and help the deprived and under-privileged so that they can live their lives with dignity. He congratulated Anuradha Paudwal and her colleagues for the initiative, saying that it will bring a new ray of hope in the lives of the children.

The Union Minister said that it is in the Indian culture to pay back to the society and after a certain stage, everyone should try to give back something to the society.

According to the Suryodaya Foundation, the ‘Gifting of Sound’ initiative aims to restore hearing capacities among school children.