It was for the first time ULFA has agreed for peaceful talks in its 31-year-long struggle. Sasadhar Choudhury said that, the decision to hold talks with the Centre was taken at the Executive Committee and General Council meetings this week and there was no split in its ranks on the issue.

He said, the ULFA is yet to select its leaders to participate in the talks. He said, the group would like Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to be present during the talks as he represents Assam in Parliament. Answering a query, he said that due to the situation in the state in 1979, they wanted sovereignty for Assam. But now ULFA shall have to do what the people of Assam want. 

According to AIR ULFA Publicity Secretary Mithinga Daimary said that the outfit has received an invitation from Union Home Minister P.Chidambaram for the talks. Centre’s interlocutor P C Haldar termed the development as very positive. He said, this will facilitate the ground for very constructive and meaningful dialogue.