Ahead of the meeting, India has expressed the hope that Pakistan will come out with a satisfactory conclusion about what is required for the 26/11 trial to go ahead. She said justice had to be done to bring to book those responsible for the Mumbai terror attack.

Rao had made these remarks after her meeting with Home Minister in Delhi. Describing the talks as an exploratory mission, top officials say the two sides are expected to plan for the months ahead.

according to AIR Official hoped that the meeting would provide little more clarity on how to resolve the outstanding issues between the two countries. India wants that the two sides should start with issues to begin with like judicial committee on prisoners, outstanding consular issues, visit and movement of people, Sir Creek and counter-terrorism to which India attaches great importance.

The two Foreign Secretaries are also expected to do the ground work for the Foreign Ministers meeting expected to take place in Delhi in the coming months.
Meanwhile, Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman in Islamabad said that they were going to the talks with an open mind. Pakistani officials in Thimpu have said that they are positive about the talks and expressed the hope the two sides will agree on the ways to take the process forward. .