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Now Students can appear for any subject in CUET-UG from 2025 irrespective of class 12 subjects

Staff Reporter / New Delhi

The University Grants Commission, UGC Chairman Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar has announced some major changes in the Common University Entrance Test, CUET UG exam pattern and Commission has released a draft proposal detailing the revised guidelines for conducting. All the changes are to be introduced from 2025 session. The Chairman has announced that all CUET-UG exams to have uniform duration of 60 minutes, optional questions to be done away with.

Students will be allowed to appear for any subject in Common University Entrance Test-UG from 2025 irrespective of the subjects studied in class 12. UGC Chairperson M Jagadesh Kumar told media that this will allow candidates to cross over the rigid disciplinary boundaries in higher education. CUET-UG will only be conducted in Computer Based Test mode from next year. It will be conducted in 63 subjects instead of 37 from 2025 session. The UGC Chairman said an expert panel set up by the Commission conducted a review of the exam and proposed several changes.

All CUET-UG exams will have uniform duration of 60 minutes. The concept of optional questions in the exam has been done away with and all questions will be compulsory now. Students will be able to appear for maximum of five subjects from 2025, as against six previously. UGC had constituted an expert committee to review the conduct of CUET-UG and PG. The first edition of the exam was held in 2022. The exam was conducted in hybrid mode for the first time this year. By encouraging universities to adopt a single, national-level entrance test, CUET has streamlined admissions.

This has reduced the reliance on varying cut-offs, and made the admission process transparent and technology-driven.
Chairman of the UGC, M Jagadesh Kumar said that an expert committee was constituted to review the conduct of CUET-UG and CUET-PG exams for 2025. The committee has examined various aspects of the test, such as its structure, number of papers, duration of test papers, syllabus alignment, and operational logistics and considered these recommendations in its meeting held on November 13 this year.

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