A three-day Chintan shivir of ministers and senior officials of Gujarat government will begin at Statue of Unity, Kevadiya today. Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel will inaugurate the 10th Chintan shivir in the afternoon. Nearly 230 people including cabinet ministers, Principal secretaries, senior additional chief secretaries, district collectors and heads of departments would take part in the shivir. A report from our correspondent:

Various topics like health and nutrition, urbanization and infrastructural development in urban and rural areas, training and capacity building for employees of government and all autonomous bodies, and qualitative improvement in education will be collectively deliberated in the shivir. Apart from this, there will also be discussions and presentations on various topics useful for policy making. As part of the good governancene model, this initiative was started by then Chief minister of Gujarat Narendra Modi in the year 2003. Aparna Khunt Akashvani News Ahmedabad.