Demands high-level probe

Our Correspondent

New Delhi: All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawarat, the apex body of Indian Muslim organisations has threatened to approach  international human rights bodies like the UN and EU human rights panels if justice is denied to the victims of state terror such as recent encounter of Muslim youths in Telegana.

simi“This is another Batla House kind of fake encounter perpetrated by the security agencies at the behest of their political masters. Dr. Khan said if we fail to get justice, we will start approaching international human rights organisations like the UN and EU human rights panels and others to ensure justice to the victims of state terror, said Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan, President of the AIMMM.

“This is a calculated conspiracy to push the Muslim youth on the path of extremism and terrorism,” said Dr. Khan,

He said that it was calculated murder of five alleged “SIMI” activists in Nalgonda, Telangana, on 7 April while in judicial custody, handcuffed and surrounded by an overwhelming police force.

Dr. Khan said, while the political bosses of the NDA government claim that the Indian Muslim community is immune to terrorism, the NSA, IB and other security agencies work in tandem to push Muslim youth to extremism and terrorism.

Dr. Khan said Telangana police is the same which earlier framed many Muslim youth and had killed protesters when they came out against the Makkah Masjid blast.

Dr. Khan demanded a high-level judicial enquiry into the murder of the five alleged “SIMI” activists and the murder of two other alleged “SIMI” activists only three days earlier in the same state.