Politics in Tamil Nadu has taken a sudden twist with the caretaker Chief Minister O Panneerselvam staging a major revolt against AIADMK General Secretary VK Sasikala, who has been elected as the Legislature Party leader.

paneersilvamMr Panneerselvam has said he was forced to resign from the Chief Minister post by the Sasikala camp.
Meanwhile, after consulting some of her party colleagues and Ministers at the Poes Garden residence, Ms Sasikala announced the removal of Mr Panneerselvam from the AIADMK Treasurer post.

He was replaced by the state Forests Minister Mr Dindigul Seenivasan. In a late night media interaction, Ms Sasikala denied charges of Mr Panneerselvam and said that he was never forced to resign.

Ms Sasikala claimed that all the party MLAs are united as a single family. She said Mr Panneerselvam will also be stripped off the party’s membership as well in due time. However, Mr Panneerselvam responded saying the party Treasurer post was entrusted with him by late Jayalalithaa and he cannot be removed by any one.

Mr Panneerselvam in a surprise move last night went to the burial site of late leader J. Jayalalithaa at the Marina Beach in Chennai and told media persons that after her demise, he was made to agree for Ms V K Sasikala to the post of party General Secretary. However, Mr Panneerselvam said, he is ready to take back his resignation from Chief Ministership, if the party cadres and the public want him to do so.

Meanwhile, DMK leader MK Stalin has said that Governor Vidyasagar Rao should take action against the AIADMK General Secretary and Chief Minister-designate Ms VK Sasikala for coercing the serving Chief Minister to resign in her favour. He demanded the Governor to take actions for forming a new Government by following constitutional procedures.

Governor Vidyasagar Rao has accepted the resignation of Panneerselvam. However, he asked him and his Cabinet to continue to discharge the duties till alternate arrangements are made.