The Tamil Nadu Government has withdrawn its earlier decision to reopen schools and colleges from the 16th of this month. In a statement issued by the state government in Chennai today, it is also mentioned that the permission granted for gatherings up to 100 people at a time in socio-political and religious events also stands withdrawn.
By October end, the Tamil Nadu Government announced that all schools and colleges will reopen on the 16th of this month. However, faced with opposition from several quarters including many of the parents, the Government had a meeting with the parents in all the High and Higher Secondary Schools on the 9th of this month.
Based on the inputs from the parents, the Government has now decided to keep the decision of reopening the schools in abeyance until further orders. The decision to reopen the Arts, Science Engineering and Polytechnic colleges also has been put off for the time being. However, research scholars and final year PG students are allowed to attend their colleges and research institutions from the 2nd December. The hostels in such institutions have also been allowed to function. The intensity of the Covid-19 pandemic in Tamil Nadu is in a declining trend.
However it is said that the government took the decision to keep the schools and colleges closed due to the opposition from the parents and also due to the growing Covid numbers in several parts of the country.