NEW DELHI: (AMN) Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar will preside over the Fourth India and Asia Regions Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Conference scheduled to be held from 25 to 29 October at Raipur, Chhattisgarh.  Smt. Meira Kumar is the Chairperson of the Executive Committee of the CPA India Region. 

Besides the Lok Sabha Speaker, the Conference will be attended by Deputy Chairman, Rajya Sabha; Deputy Speaker, Lok Sabha; Speakers, Deputy Speakers, Chairmen, Deputy Chairmen/Legislators and Secretaries of the respective State CPA Branches of India (India Union) observers/Spouses’/Accompanying Persons etc.  Dr. William F. Shija, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Parliamentary `Association (CPA), London will also be attending the Conference. The Conference is likely to be attended 58 Delegates/Dignitaries from CPA India Region and around 17 Delegates from the CPA Asia Region.  Besides Delegates, about 28 Secretaries from CPA India Region and about 8 Secretaries from CPA Asia Region have confirmed their participation on the aforesaid Conference. 

The Theme of the Conference would be “Challenges of Development before the Developing Asian Nations”. The Topics for two Plenary Session will be: (i) Terrorism and Naxalism: Threat to Democracy-Need for Joint Efforts in the Region;and(ii) Food Security and Cooperation at Regional Level: Role and Responsibility of Legislatures. 

The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) aims to promote the knowledge of the constitutional, legislative, economic, social and cultural aspects of parliamentary democracy.