Minister for Power, New and Renewable Energy, RK Singh inaugurated India’s first public EV (Electric Vehicle) charging plaza at Chelmsford Club in New Delhi yesterday.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr Singh said, the EV charging plaza is a new avenue for making e-mobility ubiquitous and convenient in India. He said such innovative initiatives are imperative for the creation of a robust e-mobility ecosystem in the country.

Energy Efficiency Services Limited EESL is spearheading the EV ecosystem development in India by undertaking demand aggregation for procuring EVs and identifying innovative business models for implementation of Public Charging Station.

EESL in collaboration with NDMC has established the public EV Charging Plaza in Central Delhi. It is the first of its kind in India. The plaza will host 5 Electric Vehicle Chargers of different specifications.

The Minister also launched Retrofit of Air-conditioning to improve Indoor Air Quality for Safety and Efficiency (RAISE) national programme.