With some respite from rain, relief measures began on in full swing in most parts of Tamil Nadu today. The met office has said that the trough of low pressure from Kannya Kumari Sea to South west Bay of Bengal off north Tamil Nadu coast is less marked. Rain will occur in southern districts including Kannya Kumari and Thoothukudi. The met office has also forecast isolated heavy rainfall in many parts of Kanniya Kumari district. Theni, Cuddalore Chengalpattu and Papanasam in Tirunelveli has recorded moderate rainfall.

Nagapattinam flood alert has been issued to people living near Kollidam as 50,000 cusecs water has been released from Kallanai. People living near Alakudi, nathal Padukai, Muthalamedu are being moved to safer places. In the district 39,637 persons are still kept in 82 relief camps. Fishermen are not venturing out into the sea and fish export affected. Rain water has submerged paddy fields damaging samba crops. In Vedaranyam water has flooded salt pans.

In Tirunelveli district there is great respite from heavy rain as there is welcome sunshine today. However heavy rain in catchment areas has led to filling up of 11 dams in the district including Manimutharu, Papanasam and Sevalaru. In Namakkal landslides occurred in five places in the Mullukuruchi- Kolli Malai road disrupting traffic. Huge rocks and boulders which fell on the road are being removed by state highways authorities. People are warned not to use this road as heavy rains have led to landslides in forest areas. In Kannya Kumari rain continues in Nagercoil Aralvazhmozhi Bhoothapalayam.

In the district Pechiparai, Sithar, Mambazhaturai, Pothigai dams are getting filled up due to heavy rain in catchment areas. Water is gushing in Triparappu falls and tourists are not allowed to bathe.

In Tiruvarur paddy fields were submerged in Muthupettai as Valavanaru was breached due to heavy rain. The breach was filled with 2,000 sand bags by PWD authorities.