The most dangerous thing is that the RSS is using the Baba as a front for its activities. They are trying to push him forward,” he said.

The RJD on Sunday accused Baba Ramdev of being a front for RSS’ activities and took exception to the reception given to the yoga guru by the government upon his arrival in the national capital last week.

He said that Rmdev inviting those who are responsible for demolition of babri Masjid.  “Sadhvi Ritambhara was the one who was responsible for the Babri Masjid demolition,” he said.

He was that “sad” that Ramdev was given a better reception than even US President Barack Obama. He said, “The government realised that RSS is backing the Baba and that is why Pranab Mukherjee was sent.”

“If the deal was already finalised at the hotel, then what was the need for the fast. Will the Parliament work on the dictation of these people?” he asked.