kashmir 2BJP leader Ram Madhav calls for tough action to control the current unrest in Jammu and Kashmir and said separatists should give up the agitational path and consider dialogue.

In an interview to a private TV channel, Party General Secretary said there is a concern, that the Government probably has not tackled the situation effectively as it allowed certain things to drift. But the time has come for us to act tough and control the situation in the larger interest of the people of the valley and the larger interest of India’s integrity.

Mr. Ram Madhav also said the PDP-BJP government in the state would last its full term as long the two

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parties abide by the Common Minimum Programme and tackle the situation in an appropriate manner.

On the national mainstream parties’ demand for talks with Hurriyat, Madhav said they were free to talk to the state government as the CMP says that the state government was ready to talk to all stakeholders including the separatists.