In Rajasthan, employment fairs were organized in Jaipur, Ajmer, Jodhpur, and Bikaner this morning. Addressing the job fair held in Jaipur, Union Minister for Railway and Information Technology Ashwini Vaishnav said that apart from providing jobs in the government sector, the central government is paying special attention to employment generation in the private sector as well. Mr. Vaishnav said that before 2014 only one percent of the mobiles used in the country were manufactured domestically, today 98 percent of mobiles are being made in the country.

He said that 80 lakh jobs have been created in the electronics manufacturing and information technology sector due to the efforts of the government. The Minister said that a total of one crore new employment opportunities have been created by 2022 in infrastructure and manufacturing. Mr. Vaishnav said that the government is also ensuring transparency along with good governance. He said that Crores of youth applied for the vacancies in Railways, examinations were held in many languages and cities, but there were no complaints from anywhere.

Referring to the paper leak cases in Rajasthan, Mr. Vaishnav said that such mafias should be destroyed with full force.