Rahul_GandhiCongress Vice President Rahul Gandhi has replied to the notice of Lok Sabha Ethics Committee on the issue of his alleged dual citizenship questioning the panel decision of taking cognizance of a complaint that is not in order.

According to reports in his reply, Mr. Gandhi alleged that this is an endeavour to malign his name as he has never at any stage sought or acquired British citizenship. He also said the complainant has misled on the issue daring BJP leader Subramanian Swamy to make public his British passport number and other relevant documents.

During the last Parliament session, the Congress leader was issued a notice by senior BJP leader L K Advani-led panel seeking his response to allegations that he declared himself a British citizen to occupy the post of a company there.

In November last year, Subramanian Swamy had made public some documents, which showed that Mr Gandhi had reportedly claimed British nationality to set up a company in UK. Following the controversy, BJP MP Mahesh Giri had written to Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan urging her to refer the matter to the Ethics Committee.