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Pope FrancisPope Francis washed and kissed the feet of Muslim, Orthodox, Hindu and Catholic refugees, declaring them children of the same God, in a gesture of brotherhood at a time when anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant sentiment has spiked following the Brussels attacks.

The Pope was attending an Easter Week Mass with asylum-seekers at the shelter in Castelnuovo di Porto, outside Rome yesterday. He denounced the carnage as a gesture of war carried out by people beholden to the weapons industry.

The Holy Thursday rite re-enacts the foot-washing ritual Jesus performed on his apostles before being crucified, and is meant as a gesture of service.

Several of the migrants then wept as Francis knelt before them, poured holy water from a brass pitcher over their feet, wiped them clean and kissed them.

Pope Francis celebrates Holy Mass in Coena Domini at Castelnuovo di Porto - 2016 - RV

Photo- Vatican Radio

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