Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu today said, the recent happenings in Punjab National Bank is a systematic failure. Speaking after presenting Prime Minister Shram Awards to 338 Workers in New Delhi today, Mr Naidu said, there is a need to rectify the system to curb such incidents in future. He said the blame game in this regard will not benefit anyone.
The Vice President also stressed on the need to provide a healthy environment for workers in the organised and unorganised sector for better productivity. He said the workers should be given modern and scientific equipment and proper training for better output.
Mr Naidu also asked Labour and Employment Ministry to take more measures for the welfare of working class and keep an eye on on the implementation of proper welfare measures.
Earlier, the Vice President conferred Prime Minister Shram Awards to the workers for the years 2011 to 2016. The awards were given in four categories namely Shram Ratna Award, Shram Bhushan Award, Shram Vir/Shram Virangana and Shram Shree/Shram Devi Awards.
The awards were given to those workmen who have distinguished record of performance, demonstrated devotion towards duty of a high order, specific contribution in the field of productivity, safety and quality.
The awards are also given to those, who have risked their lives or made supreme sacrifice of laying down their lives in the conscientious discharge of their duties.
The Vice President also said, improving the education level of labour force and access to quality training is crucial for the workers.
He said, skill development is an important driver to address poverty reduction by improving employability, productivity and helping sustainable enterprise development and inclusive growth.
Mr Naidu asked government and private sector to address the concerns, needs and aspirations of the work force by ensuring an appropriate eco-system.