PM MOdiPrime Minister Narendra Modi today rapped the opposition for logjam in Parliament, saying unlike earlier when opposition parties stalled the House against scams, Congress-led parties are now doing so against government’s steps to curb black money and corruption. Addressing BJP Parliamentary Party meeting in New Delhi, he alleged that Congress has always put its interest over that of the country while for BJP the nation’s interests are supreme.

He again pitched for digital economy and appealed to the masses to adopt it as a way of life to rid the society of corruption and black money. Mr. Modi attacked former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh, who had criticized demonetization, saying he advocated strong measures against corruption and black money but did nothing during his 10 year-rule.

The Prime Minister also noted that the Wanchoo Committee in early 70s had recommended demonetisation when Indira Gandhi was Prime Minister. He said, now after 45 years, the NDA government has done demonetization but Congress is opposing it. Mr. Modi said, at that time CPI(M) leader Jyoti Basu had supported demonetization and alleged that the Left has also joined ranks with Congress to oppose the move.