Prime Minister Narendra Modi will embark on a three nation visit early morning Saturday. In the first leg of his four day tour, he will reach Lisbon, the Portuguese capital tomorrow late afternoon.
After bilateral talks with his Portuguese counterpart, Mr Modi will depart for Washington DC. During his two day US visit, Mr. Modi will meet President Donald Trump. This will be the first meeting between the two leaders. In the last leg of his tour, the Prime Minister will visit The Netherlands on Tuesday for bilateral talks with his counterpart. The Prime Minister is scheduled to return home on Wednesday morning.
India’s ambassador to Portugal K. Nandini Singla said, Mr. Modi’s visit to Portugal signifies the accelerated momentum in the bilateral ties on multiple fronts in recent years. The ambassador said, both countries are especially looking to deepen the partnerships in the areas of future like Science, technology and research, apart from the economic and trade relations.
The focus, however, will be on Mr Modi’s US visit. During the past three years, India US relations have grown rapidly with a new energy with increasing convergence of interests on bilateral, regional and global issues. Last year, the two countries described it as an Enduring Global partnership in the 21st Century. The bilateral cooperation is broad based and covers areas such as civil nuclear energy, defence, counter terrorism, trade and economy, space, energy, science and technology and health.
As this will be the first meeting between Prime Minister Modi and President Trump, it will be an opportunity for the two leaders to establish their own rapport, review the relationship, impart a new vision and set priorities for future bilateral relations. Among other prominent issues that are likely to figure in talks include Terrorism, promoting economic and commercial cooperation, H1B visa rules and security in Indo-pacific region