Ahead of the five days to go to the Karnataka assembly polls, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched a mega campaign for the BJP in the State today. He addressed a public rally in Ballari, where he accused Congress of promoting corruption in the state. Mr. Modi said the Congress has patronised corruption since decades. The Prime Minister charged the Congress with building fake narratives and fake surveys to distract voters. He also said the people of Karnataka are now contesting elections on behalf of the BJP.
Calling the Congress manifesto a bundle of shutdown and appeasement, Mr. Modi said the opposition party has spoken only about bans and sanctions in its manifesto. On the other hand, he claimed that the BJP’s manifesto is a resolution statement. The Prime Minister said BJP is committed to make Karnataka the Number 1 state in the country. Mr. Modi called terrorism a threat to Karnataka and accused the Congress of being silent on the issue. He said a new form of terrorism is taking shape and weakening our society from within. Mr. Modi stressed that only the BJP can protect Karnataka.
Highlighting the benefits of the government schemes, Mr. Modi said lakhs of people have been benefited from various schemes launched by the double-engine government. Accusing the Congress of sidelining the contributions of the people of Scheduled Tribes in our freedom struggle, the Prime Minister said the BJP is committed to protect the rights of the Scheduled Tribes. The Prime Minister is in Karnataka for three days from today to assure a win for the party candidates. Mr. Modi will also hold several roadshows in the state capital Bengaluru in the next couple of days.