Prime Minister Narendra Modi has lauded Lightweight Men’s Double Sculls team for winning the first medal, Silver at the Asian Games 2022 for Bharat. In a social media post, Mr Modi congratulated Arjun Lal Jat and Arvind Singh and wished for continuous rowing towards glory, representing the spirit and strength of the nation.
The Prime Minister has also hailed shooters, Ramita, Mehuli Ghosh, and Ashi Chouksey for securing Silver Medal in the 10-meter Air Rifle Women’s team event at the Asian Games 2022. He said this Silver medal is the fruit of your hard work and dedication.
Mr. Modi also lauded Men’s Coxed Eight team for winning silver medal. He also congratulated Babulal Yadav and Lekh Ram for clinching the Bronze in the Men’s Coxless Pair Rowing event at the Asian Games.