Ahead of election in Delhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi today inaugurated and laid the foundation stone of multiple developmental projects in Delhi worth over 12,200 crore rupees. He also inaugurated a 13-kilometre stretch of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat corridor between Sahibabad and New Ashok Nagar, worth around 4,600 crore rupees.
The Prime Minister undertook a ride on the Namo Bharat Train from Sahibabad RRTS Station to New Ashok Nagar RRTS Station and interacted with the school children.
In addition, Mr Modi inaugurated a 2.8-kilometre stretch between Janakpuri and Krishna Park of Delhi Metro Phase IV, worth around 1,200 crore rupees. The areas of West Delhi, such as Krishna Park, parts of Vikaspuri, Janakpuri, and others, will benefit from this new route. PM Modi also laid the foundation stone of the 26.5 km Rithala-Kundli section of Delhi Metro Phase IV, worth around 6,230 crore rupees. This corridor will connect Rithala in Delhi to Nathupur (Kundli) in Haryana.
He will also lay the foundation stone for the new state-of-the-art building for the Central Ayurveda Research Institute (CARI) at Rohini, New Delhi. The campus will provide state-of-the-art healthcare and medical infrastructure. The inauguration of the project will help enhance regional connectivity and ensure ease of travel for the people of Delhi.