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BRUSSELS: (AMN) The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh arrived here to participate in the India-European Union summit beginning on Friday. Dr Singh is on a two-nation tour of Belgium and Germany.  

Counter terrorism, non-traditional threats to security, bilateral trade, situation in Afghanistan, climate change and other strategic matters are likely to dominate his talks with summit leaders.  

Apart from bilateral, regional and global issues of mutual concern, the ongoing negotiations to finalize a broad-based trade and investment agreement are expected to figure in their talks. India is hopeful that the pact will come through by March next year. Once signed, the treaty will boost the bilateral trade of goods and services by about 40 per cent to touch one hundred billion Euros.  

An India-EU Business Summit will also take place on the margins which is likely to be attended by over 250 participants. In a statement before leaving New Delhi, the Prime Minister said, the partnership with European Union has evolved from economic and development co-operation to a broader strategic engagement.  

Dr. Singh welcomed the enhanced role that the EU seeks to play in global affairs. He said, the EU is India’s largest trading partner and he will review with the EU leaders, the progress made in the negotiations on a broad-based trade and investment agreement.  

The Prime Minister will also participate in a summit with his Belgium counterpart Yves Leterme to explore ways of diversifying trade baskets and promoting co-operation in high technology sector. Dr. Manmohan Singh will fly to Berlin on Saturday for a working visit to Germany at the invitation of Chancellor Angela Merkel. He will discuss with the Chancellor co-operation in technology, trade, investment, energy and education.


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