Ahead of the Climate Change Summit beginning in Paris tomorrow, India today said that the outcome of the conference should enable access to climate-relevant technologies at affordable prices.

In its official twitter handle for the Summit, the government said that Paris agreement should enable countries to collaborate in development and large scale deployment of climate friendly technologies.

It said that the outcome of the Summit must support adaptation and development to affordable technologies balancing intermittent supply of solar and wind energy.

The tweet also said, India has submitted Intended Nationally Determined Contribution to the Paris conference and pledged to reduce carbon emissions by 33 to 35 percent of its GDP by 2030 from 2005 level.

Over 150 heads of state will participate in the Conference tomorrow to strike a deal on global warming.

The high participation makes the Summit one of the largest diplomatic conferences ever organized, besides the United Nations General Assembly Sessions in New York.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will leave for the Conference shortly. He will unveil India’s Strategy to contain global warming and its serious consequences.

The summit is being organized under tight security measures in the wake of the recent terror attacks in Paris that claimed 130 lives and injured many others.

Covering the Summit, reports that 1.28 lakh security personnel have been mobilized for peaceful conduct of the Conference.