Pakistani authorities on Wednesday booked 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks mastermind Jamaat-ud-Dawa,chief Hafiz Saeed and his 12 accomplices for terrorism financing in 23 cases.

Pakistan’s counter-terrorism department (CTD) said in a statement that the JuDand his aides used five trusts to raise funds for terrorism financing.

It said the cases have been registered in Lahore, Gujranwala and Multan forcollection of funds for terrorism financing through assets made and held in thenames of trusts, including Al-Anfaal, Dawat ul Irshad and Muaz Bin Jabal.

The CTD said investigations have been launched into matters of JuD,Lashkar-e-Taiba and Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation, regarding their holding anduse of trusts to raise funds for terrorism financing.