The Vande Bharat Mission, which entered its Fourth Phase yesterday, is progressing smoothly. More than 500 flights will be operated under Phase Four of this Mission. This includes both Air India and private carriers who are ramping up their operations in a big way.
Air India will be conducting 170 flights till 15th of July to and from 17 countries, including Australia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Canada, Germany, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Philippines.
Private airlines will have significant participation in the Fourth Phase of Vande Bharat Mission. Over 500 flights will be operated by the private airlines, including Indigo and Go Air.
The Civil Aviation Ministry said that among others, Indigo will operate 238 flights from Qatar and 219 flights from Kuwait. Go Air will operate 41 flights from Kuwait. Phase Four will particularly focus on countries where there still are a large number of Indians who have registered to return.
Meanwhile, a record five lakh stranded Indians have returned safely to India under the Mission till now. The operations commenced on 7th May and in less than two months, nearly five lakh four thousand stranded Indians from 137 countries have returned to their homes.