Amid ongoing Nipah virus threat, Dr. Rajiv Bahl, the Director-General of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), has emphasised a series of precautionary measures aimed at containing the virus’s spread.

These measures, he says, bear resemblance to those employed against COVID-19 such as repeated handwashing and the use of masks. However, in the case of Nipah, the primary focus lies on limiting contact with infected individuals, as initial cases often transmit the virus to others.

Furthermore, Dr. Bahl underscored the importance of avoiding exposure to bodily fluids and blood, highlighting the critical need for biosafety, hospital safety, and isolation.

The dire nature of the Nipah virus becomes evident when considering its mortality rate. Dr. Bahl notes a stark contrast between Nipah and COVID-19, with the former exhibiting a mortality rate ranging between 40% and 70%, far surpassing the relatively lower mortality rate of 2% to 3% seen in COVID-19 cases