Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) has promised to protect Muslim Personal Law. In its manifesto for general election 2019, the party promises to initiate a process to arrive at a consensus on issues related to Personal Law, including Triple Talaq, by facilitating interaction between different schools of thought in the Community including religious heads, reformists, and other sections of the Community.

It said that Triple Talaq Bill, in its current form without taking the Community into confidence, will be scrapped. It promised that many issues related to minority women including education and security will be focussed on.

The manifesto which was released today in Mumbai and New Delhi pledged to make efforts to improve the standard of living in minority-dominated areas; focus will be made on improving the infrastructure for changing their lifestyle.

“Primary and Secondary Education will be focus areas of our Government. Since distance is one of the deterrents for education, the Government will boost education at the local level and provide financial assistance for local education. In order to boost education of every girl child from minorities, specific incentives will be given to the families of girls who complete Grade Tenth, Grade Twelveth and Graduation, respectively”.

“Finance corporations will be set up to give financial assistance to boost self-employment, entrepreneurship and occupation for Muslims, Christians, and Linguistic & Other Minorities”, the manifesto said adding that Minority students will be aided with 50 per cent of their fees for higher education in private institutions by the Government. Students with extraordinary ability selected for education courses abroad will be given funding to enable them to do so.

“Long pending matters in the judicial system will be reviewed and justice will be delivered expeditiously. Special attention will be paid on securing a proper channel for education, sports, vocational training and employment for minority youth. Similar facilities will be provided to women. Meritorious autonomous institutions will be supported” it stressed.

The manifesto with tag line ‘Aao milke desh banaye’ said attacks by fringe elements on religious minorities have substantially surged. Religious-based hate-crimes – mainly targeting Dalits, Muslims and Christians- have increased significantly since 2014. There has been little action to curb such instances; nothing has been done to tackle the growing religious polarisation. In fact, such forces have been emboldened by giving a free hand to such elements with the tacit support of Government machinery. We are committed to protect the interests of minorities. Special attention will be paid to curb violence and punish culprits. Cases of violence will be investigated in a time bound manner and disposal will be targeted in special courts.Tribals will be given legislative protection over their land holdings. Proper implementation of The Forest Act will be done ensuring non displacement of local Tribals.

It said that the UPA Government had set up the Sacchhar Committee and is bound to follow its recommendations. Equal Opportunities Commission will be set up.

A special program will be designed to create Hostels in small and large cities for minorities, especially girls, to promote their education. Special assistance will be given to set up institutions for minorities. Judicial powers will be given to Wakf Board as well as impetus given to special residential schools and Government hospitals to cater to these weakest sections of society.