Famous Kannada Film producer S. Nagaraj has planned to make a 3-D film on the life of 18th century Muslim ruler Tipu Sultan. The film would cost about Rs. 10 crore. It will take 18 months to complete the film which will use animation technology on a wide scale for the production of film. However Nagraj would try to avoid controversy and controversial aspect of the life of the Mysore ruler who fell martyr while defending the last bastion of an Indian rule against British forces on May 4, 1799 at Srirangapatnam in the 4th Mysore War. Nagaraj informed that several historians and script writers were working on the film’s script and the designing of the film would commence in September this year. He said Tipu Sultan was the only Indian ruler to whom a copy of the Declaration of the Independence of America was sent in 1776.
It is presumed that the film would include several aspects of the popular Kannada drama ‘Tipuveena Kansugalu’ directed and produced by noted Kannada playwright Girish Karnad.