UPA Presidential candidate Meira Kumar today rejected the perception that this Presidential election is Dalit vs Dalit. Briefing media in New Delhi, the former Lok Sabha Speaker said in the past, several candidates from upper caste were pitted against each other but no one highlighted their castes.
The former Lok Sabha speaker said there is a need to remove the caste structure and caste based politics and this election should not be turned into a Dalit fight. Responding to External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj’s allegation that she was repeatedly interrupted during a debate by Ms Kumar, she said her style of conducting the House was appreciated by all and no one charged her with acting in a biased manner.
She said she was selected unanimously by 17 major political opposition parties to be their candidate in Presidential election. Ms Kumar said the unity and coming together of these political parties is based on their shared democratic values, inclusiveness, social justice, freedom of press, and transparency. She said two days ago, she wrote letters to all members of collegium requesting them for their support.