Meghalaya Government has decided to open up a number of activities in the State from Monday. After a review meeting with the Chief Minister and other officials at Shillong, Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong informed that close all forms of contact physical sports or activities will be allowed to be conducted from Monday.

He added that cinema halls will be allowed to open with one-third capacity. Public parks and jackpot parlours located in the State will also be allowed to open for the public who are over 18 years of age and who are already vaccinated. He added that private vehicles will be allowed to operate with one-third capacity throughout the State.

However, the Deputy Chief Minister added that those activities which are allowed to open should strictly follow the SOPs issued by the Health Department. The Deputy Chief Minister who is also the Health Minister stated that a decision will be taken in next week’s review meeting to allowing opening up of schools and colleges.

Meanwhile, the State reported 329 fresh new COVID 19 cases and 308 recoveries in the last 24 hours. Director of Health Services, Dr Aman War stated that five deaths were also recorded tallying the total deaths to 1,257. The total number of active cases in the State stands at 3,421. Till date 49 percent of the total population of Meghalaya have been vaccinated.

He said that the State is hopeful that over 70 percent of the total population will be vaccinated by the end of September as the rate of vaccination is picking up.