Maharashtra Education Minister Vinod Tawde has assured the students of a school run by Zakir Naik-promoted Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) that the Centre’s decision to ban the NGO would not adversely affect them. He said measures for rehabilitation of these students will be instated. Mr. Tawde said this in his twitter post last night.
The Union Cabinet yesterday approved a proposal to declare IRF as an ‘unlawful association’ under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act for five years. Zakir Naik, who heads the trust, runs Islamic International School that was founded in 2003 in Mazgaon area of Mumbai.
Govt to declare Zakir Naik’s IRF as unlawful organisation
Government has decided to declare Islamic Research Foundation floated by preacher Zakir Naik as an unlawful organisation under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Sources said, the Cabinet has banned the NGO for five years and asked security agencies to keep a strict watch on its activities.
Few months ago, Naik came in the centre of controversy following reports that militants involved in Dhaka terror attack were inspired by his provocative speeches. Since then, there has been demands for action against the preacher.