After successfully completing Paush Purnima and Makar Sankranti, the Uttar Pradesh government has now shifted its complete focus to the preparations for the upcoming Amrit Snan on Mauni Amavasya on the 29th of this month. To strengthen the arrangements, Chief Secretary Manoj Kumar Singh and Uttar Pradesh DGP Prashant Kumar visited the Mahakumbh area at Prayagraj and chaired a high-level review meeting.
The Chief Secretary noted that the arrangements and facilities during the previous festivals were commendable but emphasized further refinement. He instructed that all preparations should be completed promptly and directed that sector magistrates, police, and officers from all departments ensure their presence in all sectors.
While reviewing the facilities in the fair area, the Chief Secretary emphasized the need for seamless telecom services during major bathing festivals and the Amrit Snan. He stated that the telecom infrastructure in the fair area is robust, and devotees should never face issues with phone connectivity.