Law commission has recommended abolition of death penalty for all crimes other than terrorism related offences and waging war against the nation.

Chairman of the Commission Justice A P Shah said, in the last decade the Supreme Court has on numerous occasions expressed concern over the arbitrary sentencing in death penalty cases. He was addressing a press conference in New Delhi on Law Commission’s report on death penalty.

Justice Shah said, the apex Court has noted that it is difficult to distinguish cases where death penalty has been imposed from those where the alternative of life imprisonment has been applied. Justice Shah said, the commission feels that this report will contribute to a more rational, principled and informed debate on the abolition of the death penalty for all crimes.

He said, Commission hopes that the movement towards absolute abolition will be swift and irreversible.

Justice Shah said it is essential that a witness protection scheme should also be established. He said, need for police reforms for better and more effective investigation and prosecution has also been universally felt for some time now and measures regarding the same need to be taken on a priority basis.