RJD has today authorised party President Lalu Prasad Yadav to take a final decision about selection of party candidates for Bihar Assembly Election.The decision was taken in a meeting of state parliamentary board at Patna.

The meeting was chaired by senior Party leader and former chief Minister Rabari Devi. The party has also authorised Lalu Prasad to talk with like minded parties. Rabari devi said the list of candidates for the first phase of election will be released on 17th of this month.

In another incident former Union Minister and core committee member of Hindistani Awam Morcha ( Secular) DevendraPrasad Yadav resigned from party in protest against allocation of inadequate number of seats to HAM by BJP.

Mr. Yadav said he will contest assembly election under the banner of Samajwadi Janata Dal (Democratic). He said the SJD (D) will approach third front.