Kerala Finance Minister K.M. Mani, has resigned. His resignation comes in the wake of the Kerala High Court on Monday upholding a vigilance court order for further probe into the alleged involvement in a bar licence bribery case.

Mr. Mani sent in his resignation to the Chief Minister Oommen Chandy through a messenger.

Talking to media persons in Thiruvananthapuram, Mr. Mani said he is resigning as Minister as a mark of respect to the judiciary.

He said his party’s support to the Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) Government will continue.

Government Chief Whip Thomas Unniyadan of Kerala Congress (Mani Group) has also stepped down expressing solidarity to Mr. Mani.

Miniser P.J. Joseph of Kerala Congress (Joseph Group) owing allegiance to the UDF has, however, decided against resignation.

A high power committee of the UDF and the Kerala Congress (Mani Group) held separate meetings during the day to discuss the issue following the court verdict.

Congress high command, UDF allies and the opposition parties have been demanding Mr. Mani’s resignation.