Karnataka has seized over 5,000 strips of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, LSD drug. Saying that the government is waging a war on drugs, the Home Minister Basavaraj Bommai told the legislative Assembly today during the question hour that police have booked 3,852 cases till November this year under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. 

He said that this is the highest ever seizure of drugs by the law enforcing agencies. He informed the House that the state police have broken into 21 dark websites where LSD strips among other drugs were being sold illegally. Saying that the State forensic labs are being modernised, Mr Bommai informed that 51 samples of drugs can be tested at one time, helping the police to file the chargesheet earlier. He also said that investigating officers will be given more powers to raid any premises and make seizures of narcotics.