The Chief Electoral Officer in Karnataka Manoj Kumar Meena today informed that 16,04,285 voters were added to the electoral roll after the final electoral roll was published on January 5, 2023.
He said that the total electorate in the state now stands at 5,31,33,054. Among these, the number of young voters between the age of 18 and 19 are 11,71,558. The people with disability (PWD) voters are 5,71,281 and 80-plus aged voters are 12,15,920. The number of polling stations has gone up from 58282 to 58,545. Due to these additions in the electoral roll, the EP ratio, that is Electorate to Population ratio, has gone up to 70.17 percent, and the gender ratio to 989. The State CEO has further informed that 37,94,517 EPIC voters cards are distributed to the eligible voters and the EPIC coverage in the state is 100 percent. He said that the voter slips to the enrolled voters will be distributed 10 days before the date of the poll.