Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully performed the first earth-bound manoeuvre of the country’s maiden solar mission, Aditya L1, from ISTRAC Bengaluru. In its tweet, the Indian Space Agency has said that ISTRAC has successfully carried out the Earth bound maneuver today morning and the spacecraft has attained a new orbit of 245 kms by 22,459 kms. The satellite is healthy and operating normally, it added.
The next maneuver is scheduled for the 5th of September around 3.00 pm. The satellite will undergo four Earth bound orbital manoeuvres before placing in the transfer orbit towards the Lagrange point L1 in 125 days. Aditya L1 mission will provide information on Solar corona and conduct in-situ observations of the solar wind at L1 point which is about 1.5 million kilometres away from Earth. The Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle C57 had successfully launched Aditya L1 spacecraft yesterday.