Amid the conflict in Gaza and the looming ground assault on the terror group Hamas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met his Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni and Cypriot President Nikos Christodoulides on Saturday. He said Israel’s battle against Hamas is the battle of civilization against barbarism. Calling on the Italian PM, Netanyahu said, they have to defeat this barbarism adding that this battle is between the forces of civilization and really monstrous barbarians who murdered, mutilated, raped, beheaded, and burned innocent people, babies, and grandmothers. From its handle on a social media platform, the Israeli PM’s office said, this is a test, a test of civilisation, and Israel will win. Israel expects all the countries that lined up to fight ISIS, to line up and fight Hamas because Hamas is the new ISIS, it added.

Meloni also assured Netanyahu of Italy’s support for Israel. She said, ‘We defend the rights of Israel of defending itself, for its people’. Netanyahu then met Cypriot President Christodoulides, stressing that it was a battle of civilisation against barbarism. At a joint press briefing with the Cypriot President Netanyahu said, what has been witnessed in Gaza is beyond description. It is savagery that is the worst that we’ve seen against Jewish people since the Holocaust. They captivated people and raped women, he added.