India’s domestic coal production has risen by over 22 per cent during the last five years. The Coal Ministry said that the country’s overall coal production has seen a quantum jump to 893.08 Million tonnes in Financial Year 2022-23 as compared to 728.72 Million tonnes in Financial Year 2018-2019 with a growth of about 22.6 per cent. The priority of the Ministry is to enhance the domestic coal production to reduce the dependence on substitutable coal imports.
The Ministry said, the production of Coal India Limited (CIL) has increased by 703.21 Million tonnes as compared to 606.89 Million tonnes in Financial Year 2018-2019 with a growth of 15.9 per cent in the last five years.
The Ministry said that several measures have been initiated to ramp up domestic coal production to achieve self-reliance to meet the demand of all sectors and ensure adequate coal stocks at thermal Power Plants. The ministry is also proactively involved in promoting sustainable development in conjunction with coal production.