Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that the India will have a vaccine against corona virus in the next few weeks. Addressing the all party meeting today, Mr. Modi informed that Indian scientists are confident of coming up with a vaccine against the corona menace in the next few weeks. He said, eight possible vaccine candidates are under different phases of trials in the country.

Prime Minister said that the world is looking towards India for a cost efficient and effective vaccine against the pandemic. He said, through the collaborative efforts of the scientific fraternity, the country will deliver a viable option for mass vaccination in the near future.

Prime Minister informed that the vaccination programme in the country will commence after a nod from the reserach scientists. He said, the country has a robust network for such massive vaccination programmes and appropriate cold storage facilities are also being added for proper storage and supply of the vaccines. Mr. Modi said, the health care workers and frontline corona warriors will be the ones who will be administered the vaccine first. He informed that the detailed priority list for the vaccination programme will be prepared with the assistance of the State and Union Territory governments.

The Prime Minister said that the pricing of the vaccine will be decided only after due consultation with the state governments keeping public healthcare as the topmost priority. He said, the country has come a long way since February-March when the first news of corona virus emerged and thanked everyone for their indomnitable spirit and efforts. Mr. Modi said, India not only helped its own citizens but also reached out to other nations and assisted them with medical supplies.

He urged everyone to continue Jan-bhagidari as the country is on the verge to undertake one of the largest vaccination programmes. Mr. Modi asked authorities to sensitivise people about the vaccination programme by giving right information as he said, rumour-mongering becomes rampant whenever such exercises are undertaken in massive scale.

He also urged everyone not to shun the time tested cautionary measures of maintaining safe distance and cleaning hands untill the vaccination drive is complete.

The all party meet which lasted for around three hours was attended by floor leaders of both Houses of Parliament. Union ministers Amit Shah, Rajnath Singh and Harsh Vardhan were also present in the meeting. Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury and Ghulam Nabi Azad, TMC leader Sudip Bandyopadhyay , DMK leader T R Baalu, NCP patron Sharad Pawar and party leaders from other political parties participated in the virtual meeting.