Electronics and IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw has said that India will create its foundational model of AI in the coming months. Briefing media in New Delhi today, Mr Vaishnaw said that India’s foundational model will be able to compete with the world’s best model. He said a framework has been created calling for proposals to develop India’s very own AI model. The Minister also announced that an AI safety institution will be established. He highlighted the the progress of the India AI Mission which has already far surpassed its initial Graphics Processing Unit GPU targets. Mr Vaishnaw said, a common computing facility with 18 thousand 693 GPUs has been launched and will be available for startups, researchers, and developers in the coming days. He said, India now has 15 thousand high-end GPUs available.
On a query on privacy concerns around DeepSeek, Mr Vaishnaw informed us that it will be hosted on Indian servers soon. He said it is the thinking of Prime Minister Narendra Modi that modern technology should be available to everyone.