to continue the discussions in a meaningful and result oriented manner. They also agreed to meet again at a mutually convenient date in Islamabad.

“Both sides welcomed the ongoing dialogue process. The discussions were held in a frank and cordial atmosphere, contributing to an enhanced understanding of each other’s position on Siachen”, said the joint statement issued after the defense secretary level talks between India and Pakistan on Siachen.

Both the side sides also acknowledged that the ceasefire was holding since November 2003. Both sides presented their positions and suggestions towards the resolution of Siachen.

The Indian delegation was led by, defense secretary Pradeep Kumar while Pakistan delegation was led by defence secretary Lt. Gen (Retired) Syed Athar Ali. The defense Secretary of Pakistan also called on defense minister  AK Antony .

The defence secretary-level talks between the two countries on Siachen dates back to 1985.The decision to hold joint talks was taken by the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Pakistan President General Zia-ul-Haq.

The talks became a part of the composite dialogue with Pakistan, on all issues including Kashmir, from the eighth round of talks in August 2004 in New Delhi. Eleven rounds of talks have been held so far.
India wants Pakistan to authenticate the position of each others’ troops on the Siachen glacier,  but Pakistan has been reluctant. As a result over 15,000 Indian troops and as many Pakistani ones are positioned along the 100 km-plus battleline.