As the UN General Assembly decided to roll over the Inter-Governmental Negotiations on Security Council reform to its next session, India has termed it as “yet another wasted opportunity” and said the process could well go on for another 75 years without achieving genuine progress. The UN General Assembly yesterday adopted a draft oral decision to continue the intergovernmental negotiations on Security Council reform at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly that will commence in September. The rollover decision marked the end of the IGN for the current 77th session.

India’s Permanent Representative at the UN Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj underscored that the roll-over decision of the IGN simply cannot be reduced to a mindless technical exercise.

Kamboj stressed it is now apparent that the IGN could well go on for yet another 75 years without any progress whatsoever in the direction of genuine reform in its current form and modalities – that is, without application of the GA Rules of Procedure, and without a single negotiating text. However she added as a responsible and constructive member of the United Nations, India will, of course, continue to engage in this process alongside our reform-minded partners, and persist with our efforts to move from repetitive speeches to text-based negotiations.