India on Wednesday reported a net reduction of 47,946 in active coronavirus cases to take its count to 865,432. India’s share of global active coronavirus cases now stands at 7.39 per cent (one in 13). The country is second among the most affected countries by active cases. On Tuesday, it added 62,224 cases to take its total caseload to 29,633,105. And, with 2,542 new fatalities, its Covid-19 death toll reached 379,573, or 1.28 per cent of total confirmed infections.

With 2,800,458 more Covid-19 vaccine doses being administered on Tuesday, India’s total count of vaccine shots so far reached 261,972,014. The count of recovered coronavirus cases across India, meanwhile, reached 28,388,100 – or 95.8 per cent of total caseload – with 107,628 new cured cases being reported on Monday.

With a daily increase of 62,224 in total cases, India’s tally of coronavirus cases has risen from 29,570,881, on Tuesday to 29,633,105– an increase of 0.2%. Death toll has reached 379,573, with 2,542 fatalities, an all-time high in daily spike. Now the second-most-affected country by active cases, total cases and recovery, and third by death, India has added 544,036 cases in the past 7 days.
India now accounts for 7.39% of all active cases globally (one in every 13 active cases), and 9.82% of all deaths (one in every 10 deaths).
India has so far administered 261,972,014 vaccine doses. That is 884.05 per cent of its total caseload, and 18.8 per cent of its population.
Among Indian states, the top 5 in terms of number of vaccine shots administered are Maharashtra (31174768), Uttar Pradesh (28683146), Gujarat (24783884), Rajasthan (24744185), and West Bengal (22226984).
Among states with more than 10 million population, the top 5 in number of vaccine shots per one million population are Kerala (398128), Gujarat (388022), Delhi (386845), Uttarakhand (354281), and J&K (325982).
Backwards from here, the last 1 million cases for India have come in 13 days.
The count of active cases across India on Wednesday saw a net reduction of 47,946, compared with 59,780 on Tuesday. States and UTs hat have seen the biggest daily net increase in active cases are West Bengal (1125), Assam (475), and Manipur (301).
With 107,628 new daily recoveries, India’s recovery rate stands at 95.80%, while fatality rate increased to at 1.28%.
The Indian states and UTs with the worst case fatality rates at present are Punjab (2.66%), Uttarakhand (2.07%), and Maharashtra (1.93%). The rate in as many as 17 is higher than the national average.
India’s new daily closed cases stand at 110,170 — 2,542 deaths and 107,628 recoveries. The share of deaths in total closed cases stands at 2.3%.
India’s 5-day moving average of daily rate of addition to total cases stands at 0.2%.
India’s doubling time for total cases stands at 329.8 days, and for deaths at 103.2 days.
Overall, five states with the biggest 24-hour jump in total cases are Kerala (12246), Tamil Nadu (11805), Maharashtra (7652), Andhra Pradesh (5741), and Karnataka (5041).
Among states with more than 100,000 cases, the five with worst recovery rates at present are Maharashtra (95.69%), Kerala (95.48%), Tamil Nadu (93.47%), and Karnataka (92.96%).
India on Tuesday conducted 1,930,987 coronavirus tests to take the total count of tests conducted so far in the country to 383,306,971. The test positivity rate recorded was 3.2%.
Five states with the highest test positivity rate (TPR) – percentage of tested people turning out to be positive for Covid-19 infection (by cumulative data for tests and cases – are Goa (18.68%), Maharashtra (15.42%), Dadra & Nagar Haveli-Daman & Diu (14.46%), Kerala (12.85%), and Sikkim (12.44%).
Five states with the highest TPR by daily numbers for tests and cases added – are Sikkim (12.72%), Meghalaya (11.98%), Kerala (11.76%), Goa (10.48%), and Manipur (9.72%).
Among states and UTs with more than 10 million population, five that have carried out the highest number of tests (per million population) are Delhi (1089660), J&K (680429), Kerala (599270), Karnataka (472503), and Uttarakhand (459332).
The five most affected states by total cases are Maharashtra (5924773), Karnataka (2777010), Kerala (2748204), Tamil Nadu (2378298), and Andhra Pradesh (1820134).
Maharashtra, the most affected state overall, has reported 7,652 new cases to take its tally to 5924773. The state has added 105,549 cases in the past 10 days.
Karnataka, the second-most-affected state, has reported 5041 cases to take its tally to 2777010.
Kerala, the third-most-affected state by total tally, has added 12246 cases to take its tally to 2748204.
Tamil Nadu has added 11805 cases to take its tally to 2378298.
Andhra Pradesh has seen its tally going up by 5741 to 1820134.
Uttar Pradesh has added 270 cases to take its tally to 1703207.
Delhi has added 12 cases to take its tally to 1431498.