New Delhi: The Congress has accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of not following the law in issuance of Rs 2,000 currency notes and vowed to raise the matter inside and outside Parliament.

new-notesClaiming that the PM had plunged the country into “financial anarchy”, senior Congress leader Anand Sharma said the introduction of Rs 2,000 denomination notes is an “illegal act” as the the notification required to be issued under the RBI Act for printing new currency has not been issued, ignoring what is mandatory under the law.

He also hit out at the Government’s move to put indelible ink on the fingers of those exchanging notes.

A united opposition will raise this issue vociferously in Parliament besides making it a subject for mass movement, the Congress said.

The Deputy Leader of Congress in Rajya Sabha alleged that the Prime Minister is consciously deflecting attention from key issues and “fooling poor masses by masquerading as a crusader against black money under the garb of nationalism” and said those supporting PM “and his apologists are illiterate in Constitution and in law.”

“The Prime Minister is squarely responsible for plunging the country into financial anarchy. There is an undeclared financial emergency without invoking the provisions of Article 360 of the Constitution.

“The Prime Minister’s sensational and theatrical announcement of November 8 on demonetization had no legal sanctity as the monetary policy is the domain of the Reserve Bank of India,” Sharma said.

The introduction of Rs 2,000 currency denomination is an illegal act, since under the RBI Act no notification has been issued, and such issuance is mandatory before the introduction of a new currency note, he said.