The Bombay High Court has fixed the hearing on December 5 in a suit filed by Jaidev Thackeray over the will of his father late Shiv Sena founder Bal Thackeray. Shiv Sena MP and the editor of Shiv Sena mouthpiece ‘Saamana’, Sanjay Raut, will be examined by the lawyers of Jaidev Thackeray on December 5.
On October 10, Raut had not appeared as witness before the court and the matter was deferred till yesterday to enable the Court fix a date for next hearing. The court had also warned that if Raut remained absent at the next hearing, the court might consider issuing a warrant against him.
Jaidev has challenged Bal Thackeray’s last Will, made on December 13, 2011, which did not give him anything but bequeathed a substantial share of the property to Jaidev’s brother and the incumbent Sena president Uddhav Thackeray. The High Court had earlier asked the two parties to try and settle the dispute amicably, but they failed to reach a compromise.