An official release said that Communications and IT Minister Kapil Sibal has asked Department of Telecom to evolve detailed guidelines by the 12th of next month, to ensure that the spectrum is optimally used and the channels use these airwaves only to inform and empower the common man. It was felt that in the interest of inclusive and informed society, it is apt that government provides the spectrum or airwaves for CRS at zero cost. Although this may result in an opportunity cost of not more than 25 lakh rupees to the government, the cost is far outweighed by the benefit of informed, empowered and inclusive local communities and the nation.

CRS plays a vital role in building vibrant communities, in mobilizing groups to action by informing and empowering citizens, in giving voice to the marginalized groups of society. It also helps in bringing community needs to the attention of local and even national governments. CRS can prove to be an excellent tool for managing plurality in a society and for fostering democracy.