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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said our nation is the land of several greats, who transcend their individual selves and remain committed to the greater good. He was speaking on the occasion of the centenary birthyear celebration of the late Arvind Mafatlal in Chitrakoot, MP today.

Mr. Modi said with the inspiration of saints, the government is continuously taking steps for the welfare of all sections of society, especially the tribal class. He further added that the country is undertaking holistic initiatives for the betterment of tribal communities. Mr Modi said, Tribal Pride Day and PESA, Panchayats Extension to Scheduled Areas law are important efforts made in this direction.

Earlier, inaugurating the 7th Edition of the Indian Mobile Congress 2023 in New Delhi today, the Prime Minister said the government is making strides toward establishing India as a frontrunner in the realm of 6G technology. He said, four lakh 5 G-based stations have been set up since the launch of 5G technology in the country. He said, India has reached the 43rd position in mobile broadband speed from the previous rank of 118.  

The Prime Minister said, the government is working to ensure that the benefits of development reach every class and region.

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